Kushan Vora

Ahmedabad, India ยท kushpvo@gmail.com

I'm a self taught web developer. I mainly focus on backend development using JavaScript & Python and frameworks like NodeJS, ExpressJS and Django. I enjoy turning abstract ideas into a working web app. Check out few projects that I built in the past few months here!


CFA Institute

CFA Level II Examination
Passed Level II of the CFA Program in June 2019
June 2019

CFA Institute

CFA Level I Examination
Passed Level I of the CFA Program in first attempt in December 2017
December 2017

Ahmedabad University

Bachelor's of Business Administration

Specilization in Finance and Economics with CGPA: 3.77 out of 4.33

May 2014 - April 2017


Programming Languages & Tools
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • NodeJS & ExpressJS
  • MongoDB
  • SQL
  • Django
  • Django Rest Framework


Apart from being a web developer, I enjoy exploring the outdoors in and around my city. I am an avid nature/wildlife photographer and also love documenting mundane things and people around me. I look forward to self-drive vacations with my friends and family once in a while.

I am passionate about Finance & Business along with Psychology and Philosophy.

When forced indoors, one can spot me with a kindle in hand, reading a non-fiction. I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements. I follow the financial markets & world economy and like to keep up with new innovations like cryptocurrencies.